Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where Do Rats and Mice Go to Die?

I am often asked by worried enquirers “where will the rats and mice killed with poisons go to die?” The worry is they “don’t want a bad smell from dead rodents in the house”.

Almost all rodenticides are anti-coagulants. An often perpetuated ‘old wives tale’ is that anti-coagulant poisons like NO Rats and Mice make the rats and mice thirsty and they go outside in search of water and die there. There is a little truth in this, there is a slightly increased likelihood of the rodents dying outside, but in the vast majority of cases they will go to their nest and die there. Often the nest is inside.

However, even if the rats or mice die inside there is little likelihood of a bad smell. Bad smells are only a problem if the rodent dies somewhere very warm and un-ventilated. In 99% of cases there is not a problem. In order to prevent bad smells it is more important to deal with the infestation as the pests will be dying of natural causes and there is a higher chance of a bad smell. Rodenticide baits are the most efficient and effective way to deal with rat and mouse infestations.

I suggest to worried enquirers that they use traps in conjunction with rodenticides. When a rat or mouse has taken some poison it is more likely to be caught in a trap and then the body can be removed and the risk of bad odours reduced.

Once the infestation is eradicated then I suggest paying attention to proofing the house to prevent further infestation. You can get more information on how to prevent rats and mice getting in on the Kiwicare website.

A drunk walks into a bar with a rat and a frog. The drunk asks the barman if he can have a free drink if he shows him something amazing. “OK” says the barman, “But it must be truly amazing.”
The drunk puts the frog on the bar piano and the frog begins to play the most amazing jazz.
“Wow!” says the barman. “That WAS truly amazing. Have a drink on me.”
On finishing his drink the drunk asks “Can I have another drink if I show you something even more amazing?”
“OK.” Says the barman. “If it is better than before, you can drink all night.”
The drunk then sets the rat on the bar. The frog starts playing the piano and the rat sings along.”
“Drinks all night for you.” says the barman impressed.
An agent who has watched all this comes up to the drunk and says “I pay $1,000,000 for the frog and the rat.”
“No deal” says the drunk.
“OK. What about $1,000 for the singing rat?”
“Done!” says the drunk.
“Are you mad?” says the barman to the drunk when the deal is done and the agent has left.
“Relax” says the drunk. “The frog is a ventriloquist.”


  1. hey, ive put poison down as i herd scratching and scuffling i knew i had a mouse in my room, last night i got home at 3.00 am was doing my usual thing put my phone on charge and the shock when i noticed the dead mouse next to my phone 😮 i love animals and would never hurt one but had no choice as i dont want my bedroom to be shared by mice… so anyway was just wondering what is the likely hood of seeing them when they die as my mum said they will go to their nest to die, clearly this one did not?

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Your Mum is correct that they usually become lethargic and die in their nests. But it is, as you have found out, possible for them to die in other places. It is less common for those places to be somewhere you will find the body.

    2. What about the flies? I'm I going to see hundreds of flies around my house during the decomposition process?

    3. Hello Naxieli,
      Thank you for your comment.
      Blow flies do a good job cleaning up the remains of rodents and other things that die in and around our homes. Unfortunately they can sometimes be an annoyance in a house for a short time. If this happens fly sprays or bug bombs like Kiwicare NO Bugs Bug Bomb are useful in dealing with them.
      Kind Regards

  2. I hope you can help with my problem. I have lived in my home for four years. For three of the last four years, in about October, we have had an animal die somewhere in our wall? in about the same spot each time (the smell is always in the same area.) My husband tried caulking where the siding meets the concrete block. We can also see the area where something appears to be digging next to the foundation. He has also tried digging down to see if he can find the body. With no luck. We have lots of squirrels and chipmunks in our area. Why would these animals come to the same spot each fall to die? Thank you.

    1. Hello,

      This is not an uncommon problem. If there is somewhere in your house that is suitable for animals to live and nest in they will do this each year. And if they die and the conditions are the same there will be a smell each time.

      It is difficult to determine what animal might be causing the problem, but which ever it is, rodent, squirrel, chipmunk, the best prevention would be to find the way in and seal it. However, if this cannot be found the best way to prevent the smell is to improve the ventilation to the area. So when you seal places and entry points up use mesh or other material that stops the animal but does not stop the air flow.

      Trying to find the source of a smell in a building can be very difficult because it can seem to be in one place but in fact is coming from somewhere else. It is the airflow that is moving from one the other.

      I hope this is of some help.


  3. My mom put out rat poison everywhere in my apartment. Today I started smell a rotten smell in my kitchen and I thought it was the trash can so I moved the trash can out. Then I kept smelling it behind the stove. Unfortunately my mom told me that just because I smell it there does not mean that the rat has died there. So now my question is that I have two holes thats under my kitchen counter and its big enough for the rat to go in and die but not big enough for anyone to stick there hands in to remove the rat so if thats the case and it has died in there how do I get it removed out of there.

    1. Hello Tina,

      It can be very difficult to identify where precisely a dead rat is. Your Mum is correct it can smell as if it one place and and it is another. It depends on the movement of air. Smells usually only happen when it has died somewhere warm and with little ventilation.

      In your case it may require some work to open up the space under your kitchen counter and remove the carcass ,if that is where it is.

      If you cannot find it there are some neutral deodorisers that can help reduce the smell. It normally only lasts a few days.


  4. Hi I found out we had mice about 2 weeks ago due to them running around at 4 in the afternoon. (There was only 2 but small )

    I put poison down and have recently found 2 dead mice but don't know whether or not that will have stopped them and don't know how else to keep them away due to we think it's the taxi firm next door that's attracting them due to the state of their back garden

    Any advise what to do next ??

    1. Keep replenishing the rodenticide poison until no more bait is being taken. Then you should be confident you have dealt with the infestation. But you should follow up see if you can reduce the chance of mice getting in again. See here


  5. We've had a problem with rats in our loft and cavity wall for two months. They weren't taking any bait. We finally identified where they were coming from and sealed it up. We thought if we cut off their food source. The pest controller laid bait (flucuomafen) on Thursday and when we checked on Saturday it had been taken. The last two nights (Sunday and Monday) we have had frenetic scratching in the cavity wall. The controller says the poison would have worked by now or they would have died of thirst so the rats must be coming from our neighbour (we live in a semi detached). Our neighbours have had almost no problems and are keen to help us to contain the problem so I am frustrated by his attitude. What can I do now?

    1. Hi,

      The flocoumafen bait may take several days to kill the rats. Anti-coagulants are necessarily slow acting; to prevent bait shyness and for safety – should pets accidentally access bait there is time for the antidote to be given.

      I would hope that if there is still bait there for them the treatment on your side of the property should deal with the whole population. But it would be good for both you and your neighbour to co-operate and place the same baits on both properties.

      I suggest, be patient and ask your neighbour to put out some flocoumafen bait as well.

      I hope that helps.


  6. Hi i was wondering if you can help me please. I am having trouble with mice in the kids bedroom, caught 3 on traps with chocolate and there still running around. Munching on the kids bed etc, I had pest control out a few months back and they put bait down under my kitchen unit and attic, in the end i decided to put the tray of bait in the kids bedroom after catching 1 running across the floor, checked on the bait a few days later and it was empty and there still running around, even caught a mouse on the bed where my little one was sleeping and also found droppings on the bed. what else can i do.

  7. Hello Andrea,
    You may already have solved the mouse problem while I was out of the country but incase you haven't here is my suggestion.

    It sounds like you had a number of mice in your house and they may not have had enough bait to control them or they had not yet had time to die; baits can take 5-10 days to kill the mice.

    If you find all bait taken my recommendation is to double the amount of bait and keep baiting until no more bait is being eaten.


    1. Hi, can you please assist me? I have a somewhat similar problem. I put out poison about two weeks ago but the mouse was still running around the house. I then went back to the hardware store for something different and five days later the mouse is still alive and kicking. What can I try? My son is absolutely terrified.

    2. Hello Zisanda,
      This would suggest there are several mice. Continue using bait until no more bait is being eaten. You will get rid of them. It might also be useful to use traps at the same time. Once the rodenticide starts to take effect rodents are more likely to be caught in traps.
      Kind Regards

  8. Hi i have had mice in my house put bait down a few days later seen a mouse run past then all of a sudden it just stopped no movement or nothing still alive but nothing it was like it just gave up no idea why

  9. Hello,
    There several possible reasons that the mouse stopped suddenly; it may have detected your presence and frooze in the hope that you would not see it, it may have taken some of the bait previously and the anti-coagulant was taking effect or it may simply have stopped to account of its surroundings.


  10. I had my compost turned and saw 3 rats on the fence that night. Reluctantly I put out bait. My neighbor (who has been battling rats for years) found 2 in her yard, but I'm afraid that the third has died in my compost. I have an organic garden- will a poisoned dead rat contaminate the compost that I plan to use next spring? Or should I have the compost turned again in search of remains?

    1. Hello,
      If the rat has died in your compost heap it will be rapidly broken down and the toxin will also break down. It would not affect your use of the compost next spring.
      Kind Regards

  11. Hi I know there are rats around where I live as there is a skip/junk yard nearby and have seen one running around a few times but today I saw a rat in my back garden just sitting there then must have heard me then hid in a gap under a slab but it keeps doing it! It looks as if its coming to the drain pipe where the water is coming out from to drink water and then hides again in the same whole/gap! What is the rat doing I thought it would be scared of me and go away

    1. Hello,
      Thank you for your comment.
      Seeing rats behave so brazenly suggests they have become used to human presence maybe in the scrap yard) or there are many rats and they are under pressure to find resources due to competition with the others; so they have to search for food and drink at times that they would not normally.
      I suggest co-ordinating a rodent control plan with the yard so that you can both get rid of them.
      Kind Regards

  12. 3 weeks ago we found out we had mice so I phoned pest control who came and put poison under my kitchen units and under my floorboards in the living room as that's where we found a load of droppings he came back the week after saying one under the floor boards had been touched but the one under the kitchen units hadn't so I thought great then I found nice dropping upstairs in my bedroom absolutely beside myself at the thought of them running around me and my kids whilst sleeping I rang pest control again who came back out on Friday last week saying there was no more he could do as he didn't want to put poison upstairs he wants to draw them downstairs but as he was at my neighbours house yesterday different problem he popped in and we told him we had found more especially upstairs no one ever takes food upstairs in our house either so I don't know what he fasination is so he put poison under my bath upstairs he also checked the other baits to find the one under the floorboards had been touched again and now all off a sudden the one under the kitchen units have been touched I don't understand for 2 weeks it hadn't been touched and now all of a sudden it has I feel like it's a never ending cycle will they ever go? I don't even feel comfortable in my ow home anymore I hate it I am terrified not so bad during the day but a wreck at night we r still having fresh droppings I know they r fresh because I am blitzing everywhere all day every day what can I do if it continues for so long is there anything pest control can do?

  13. So for 3 weeks we have had mice as soon as I found out we had the problem I got pest control out he put poison under my floorboards in my living room and under my sink in the kitchen came back 1 weeks later and said one under floorboards had been touched but the one in the kitchen hadn't so he said he'd leave it another week and come by the following Tuesday he came back still nothing in the kitchen but the one under the floorboards had been touched again so he left and said he would be back the next Monday on the Friday I as upstairs sorting out and found a lot of dropping upstairs so rang them in a right state beside myself he came out and said there was nothing he could do he waent going to put poison upstairs as he wants to draw them down over the weekend I have had new dropping I know there fresh cause I have become a mess cleaning day and night hoovering all day he came to me on Monday as he was at neighbours they have a different problem and he put poison under my bath and checked the other poison again under the floorboard been touched and Also my one under the kitchen had this time I don't understand I thought they would have all gone by now why haven't they? Will they ever go? I hate living in my house at the moment ad I can't relax what can we do? If this continues for longer is there anything else pest control can do or will do I can't live like this for much longer it's making me ill thanks in advance

    1. Hello Sarah'
      Thank you for your post.
      It can take several days for mice to begin to feed on baits and several days for the baits to take effect. I would expect them to be controlled after 3 weeks but you may still find reasonably fresh droppings from a few days ago.
      If the baits have been in position and not completely eaten I expect you will be mouse free very soon, if you are not already.
      The the pest controller look for ways mice could get in and advise on sealing these up?
      Kind Regards

  14. Hi David
    I am Max. How are you? I have smelled some bad odor since last week. The tenant told me he saw a mouse in his room. Then, while I was checking things up, I found a nearly dry dead mouse under the well-sealed kitchen trash can. How did it die? Hunger? We don't have food available for mice. very clean kitchen. I don't know why they are here. Maybe the weather is getting colder. Will they leave on their own since no food? Thank you

    1. Hello Max,
      Thank you for your question.
      It is hard to know how the mouse you found died. Mice will die of natural causes.
      Mice will move indoors seeking shelter and food. They can survive on very little food and there is often enough crumbs spilled in even a very clean kitchen. I would not expect mice to leave of their own accord. I recommend you place some rodenticide bait and/or traps around the property and look for any gaps where the mice have gained entry; and seal them if possible.
      Kind Regards

  15. Hi,
    Last week I found droppings in my cabinet and stuff was eaten too. I got the traps that say if they are caught and don't show the mouse and the trap said I caught one. Then this week I saw a mouse run across my floor in the morning. I put traps out where it went and caught nothing. I called pest control the next day and he put bait down behind my oven and fridge. I checked them and looks like some were ate on and doesn't look like there was anymore droppings than there was. I am assuming it's dead by now and we have searched all over the house trying to find a sign of a mouse or a dead one, but can't find it. I am getting nightmares over the mouse and hate going home. The pest control guy said he thought it came from my front entrance when I open my door there is a little gap in my screen door. Do you have any ideas where this mouse could have went to die or still living? Thank you.

    1. Hello Kayla,
      Mice usually die in their nest which will be somewhere out oif the way and you are unlikely to find it. If there are no more droppings and the bait is no longer being eaten you can be reasonably sure the mouse or mice are all dead.
      Kind Regards

    2. Hi david

      Me an my mom kept smelling a bad oder in our kitchen. So a couple days later we found a dead rat behind or refrigerator. So my question is .? Is there going to be more?

    3. Hi david

      Me an my mom kept smelling a bad oder in our kitchen. So a couple days later we found a dead rat behind or refrigerator. So my question is .? Is there going to be more?

    4. Hi,
      You were unlucky that the rat died in a warm and poorly ventilated place. Hopefully you will not be so unlucky again.

  16. Hi David,
    A couple of weeks ago I found evidence of a mouse. I put out traps and the traps said it had been caught. This past week I saw one running across my floor and put out traps but couldn't catch it. I called pest control the next day and he came and put bait out behind my fridge and oven where there were a few droppings. He said that if they have been eaten on they would most like die within 12-18 hours. I just checked them yesterday after 5 days. They have been chewed on, but no new mouse droppings anywhere. We looked all over my house for signs of a mouse or a dead mouse. We had no luck. When the pest control guy came he said that it most likely came front my front door. When I would take my dog out I would just close the screen door and not the other door too and the screen door had a little gap in the bottom corner. I have been closing both doors now since he told me that so I don't think the mouse have gotten back out. I am losing sleep and having nightmares over this and don't like being in my own house. Do you have any ideas where I can look next or where it would have gone? Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your response. Do all mice smell when they are dead? I have not smelled anything yet.

  17. Hello Kayla,
    Dead mice will only smell if they die somewhere warm and with poor ventilation.
    Kind Regards

  18. Cold weather approached and we started hearing mice skittering in ceiling of basement [between levels of the house. I set out traps in a laundry room, caught only 2 mice, one each night. I had local pest control come out on Nov. 13. He sealed what he could as far as siding/ cement block – however I have a ground level deck and it abuts siding on some area – so possible he could not seal every where. HE also put out poison bait boxes around house perimeter, up in attic where he's spied tunnels in the insulation. He also tossed bait blocks between the floor joists of the basement ceiling. – not acsessible to my dogs. As of today, the skittering and chewing have stopped. BUT starting last night, we do smell the dead mouse smell. Is this something that will be ongoing?…will we always smell dead mice? It is such a sickly sweet putrid odor. I am guessing that the mice actually living IN the house will die and smell – but will more come in? How will I know if the exterminator was able to truly seal everything? Thanks [oh! my daughter leaves for NZ this coming Monday! Extended stay – her dream place to spend some time]

    1. Hello Linda,
      It is unlucky that you have a bad smell from the dead rodents. It suggests they have died somewhere warm and with little ventilation. If it is mice the smell should not last more than a few days. It is better to have got rid of the mice, they could have died of natural causes and you might have had the same bad smell.
      Kind Regards

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I've been having issues with mice, and after reading your post and some of your replies to comments, I found a bit more comfort as I had many of the same questions. Thank you for your blog post.

  21. Hello if the mice die from bait and my dog brings it to me will she still be OK?

    1. Hello Michelle,
      Your dog would have to eat many rodents that have recently fed on bait to be at any risk of 'secondary' poisoning. It is much more important to ensure that baits cannot be accessed by your dog directly.
      If you are still concerned chose the NO Rats & Mice Bait Blocks that have a toxin that is more quickly broken down in rodents and therefore poses a much lower risk of secondary poisoning.
      Kind Regards

  22. Hello, Pest control visited and placed around 25 blocks of Contact Blox in a accessible wall cavity. It's easy to check the cavity, so after hearing the blighters an hour or so after dusk (same day as blocks placed) I did a check – all 25 blocks were gone! Is it normal for mice to drag blocks away? It seems extraordinary that all 25 blocks had been moved by something roughly the same size as the bait.


    1. Hello RL,
      I suspect it is not mice but roof rats that have carried away the Contact Blox. These rodents will take loose bait away and store it in a food cache for future consumption. Fix the blows in place using a wire or nail through the hole in the blocks. This stops them taking the bait away and forces them to eat the bait in situ.
      I hope that helps.
      Kind Regards

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi lots of times over the yrs we have hadnlits of mice nainly in the loft but also under kitchen cabinets . This infestation this yr i have put poison down in one place under the units which has all been cleared on at least 5 nights out of 10 but not touched it in loft . They seam to be near the siol pipe that runs from floor to roof . Any info welcomed not seen any dead rodents phil

    1. Hello,
      It is likely that the rodents will die somewhere out of the way, wherever their nest is. Rodenticides can take several days to take effect but after 10 days I would expect there to be few left. Keep replenishing the poison until no more bait is being taken. It is also good practice to put bait in as many different places as possible so that mice are encountering it many times in a feeding cycle.
      I hope that helps.
      Kind Regards

  25. I have felt better reading your replies but still worried sick. I do have a question how do you know how many mice or rats you have in the house?

    1. Hello,
      The short answer is you don't. But if you are seeing rodents during the day this is an indication of a large population because rodents are normally nocturnal and activity during the day suggests competition for for food. The other indications of a larger population would be a lot of droppings, greasy run marks, holes gnawed in rafters etc. and a musty smell.
      Kind Regards

  26. i have a huge black rat in the house its just one for sure as it ran into the house from the back door. glue traps didnt work i have been putting over 40 poison pills around the place its trapped but its been 5 nights and the poison is still getting eaten plus i've installed few snap traps but it dosent go near them. im getting hopless it seems the poison isnt working at all! help

    1. Hello,
      Rodent baits are slow acting. If the bait is being eaten the rat or rats will die soon. Rodenticides are slow to take effect to prevent bait shyness developing and for safety; if a non-target animal were to accidentally take bait there would be time to administer the antidote.
      Kind Regards

  27. Hello,
    If a mouse leave residue behind after eating bait is that a problem? I've used the green pellet kind.

    1. Hello DeeDee,
      You may find mouse dropping that have a green colour from the bait. I advise sweeping up and disposing of any droppings you find. Then it is easy to tell if mice are still about by finding new droppings.
      Kind Regards

    2. Hi David,
      Thanks for that but I mean residue from the bait itself

    3. Hello DeeDee,
      Sorry. I misunderstood. Yes. All bait should be removed when the infestation has dealt with, unless it is in a safe place like a roof void where it might be difficult to remove.
      Kind Regards

  28. Hi, we've had a mouse in our house for the past two months. We thought we sealed up the entry way into our home but did not. It ended up nesting in our couch while we were on holiday. We threw the couch away and got a new one. If we seal up the only entry way we can clearly see will the mouse create a new entry way inside? Its currently under our house and all the exits to the outside are sealed.

    1. Hello,
      It is very difficult to seal a house completely to stop a mouse finding a way in/out. A mouse can get through a gap as narrow as the width of a pencil. It is important to get rid of the mouse/mice before sealing up as a mouse will gnaw its way out and will remember that as a way back in. But if rodents are outside and the house is well proofed they are not likely to gnaw their way in unless it is a route they have used previously.
      Kind Regards

  29. Hi David I found a mouse running about in my kitchen so I've put 4 lots of poision down its been taking the poision behind my fridge how long will it take to die I'm a nervous reck can't sleep etc hope u can help thanks

    1. Hi,
      Anti-coagulant rodenticides are necessarily slow acting, both so that rodents do not develop bait shyness and so that should a non-target animal consume bait accidentally there is time to administer the antidote- vitamin k.
      It can take a few days to a couple of weeks for an infestation to be eradicated. Continue to replenish bait until no more bait is being consumed.
      Kind Regards

    2. How long does it take for the poison to kill them I've put down 5 lots now

    3. Hello,
      Keep replacing bait until no more bait is taken. There should always be bait available to them. Normally an infestation would be eradicated within 2 weeks but if there is a significant infestation it can take longer. In this case double the number of bait points.
      Kind Regards

  30. Hello, I hope you could help me. Basically, we moved into this house last year were we thought we had a squirrel problem at first. The noises it the attic started in the cold months and stopped when it started to get warm again. This year we seem to have a similar problem but the noise in the attic seems to be only above one room. We had pest control coming out saying that it could be mice or rats, they kept putting poison down and it seemed to work but a few days after silence the noises started again, it happened like 4 times in a row now when the poison was left there eaten , the activity disappearing and reoccurring again. The noise in the loft sounds like something walking on the plasterboard for like half an hour or so and then it stops. Usually it is heard at around 10pm and early in the morning (sometimes in the middle of night). The other evidence found was when the roof tiles started falling into the attic area, it looks like something tried to squeeze through and broke the tiles. We don't really know what to do anymore, because the poison is eaten in big amounts but when you go to the attic it does not seem that there is much evidence of anything being there apart from the noise heard at night. I was wondering whether you could suggest what sort of rodent it could be as the pest control do not seem to have an idea at all, they found some droppings there and weren't even sure what it was! I am getting desparate now because the situation is getting worse and it is costing me loads of money to pay for repairs and pest control! Please help! Thank you

    1. Hello Donatas,
      I am not sure where in the world you are but I am guessing North America. I am surprised the pest control guys could not tell from the droppings what they came from. Perhaps you need some better pest control guys? I would expect even poor pest control people to be able to identify rat droppings. Other possibilities (depending on where you are) include squirrels, opossums, birds, cats, etc.
      I suggest whatever it is it is a daylight active animal and returns to you roof and leaves at dusk and dawn. If you have the patience I suggest watching possible entry points from a distance at these times to see if you can observe the culprit. It might take 30 mins to an hour but if you have been suffering for some time this might be worth the effort.
      Kind Regards

  31. Hi David I'd been putting bait down for 2 weeks and Its been eating it I put more down and its still there this morning does this mean it has gone thanks

    1. Hi,
      I hope it does. Keep checking for a few days and then spend some days proofing your property to reduce the risk of returning problems.
      Kind Regards

  32. I discovered a colony of rats outside my house. They have many burrows and tunnels.i have been putting havoc in the tunnels but I cannot tell if the rats are gone or not as I cannot see into the burrows. Advic

    1. Hello.
      I recommend filling the burrows. Then if they are opened up again you will know the rats are still active.
      Kind regards

  33. Hi david

    Great blogs and very helpful too

    Last week we saw a Mouse few days later we caught it in a trap we havent spotted any droppings anywhere but we can hear one in the wall that separates us from next door who we know has had plenty of issues with mice . The wall where he is scratching is well sealed so will he give up and just go away if he cant get in? I still have the traps set where we caught the other one along with plugin repellent and today we started burning peppermint oil . We cant hear anything in our attic either pest control said it was pointless coming to us if the problem lies next door what are your thoughts

    1. Hello,
      Mice can squeeze through very small gaps. If they can fit their skull through then they can get the rest of their body through. It would be unlikely that there was not some way for the mice to potentially get through from your neighbour's. Keep the trap set and maybe add a few more. Move the repeller around your house to a new location every few days, these have some repellent effect but mice get used to them in about 2 weeks.
      You might also consider placing some rodenticide bait in safe places such as the roof void.
      Kind Regards

  34. Thanks for the advice ill do that

  35. Saw rat about 5 weeks ago. He is digging and leaving holes in corner of garden. Started putting poison out 6 nights ago he took some for 4 nights now he stopped but still seeing evidence of him being out and about at nights. Have I done something wrong or has it realised what bait was. Poison was in same place each night.

    1. Hello Dawn,
      It is likely to take several days and up to 2 weeks to control all the rats. Anti-coagulant poisons are necessarily slow acting to prevent bait shyness and to allow time to administer the antidote should a non-target animal accidentally get hold of bait.
      Kind Regards

  36. Hi iv had rat in garden for few weeks. Put poison down 6 nights ago. First 4 nights bait was taken not all about quarter. Now for past 2 nights poison hasn't been touched but can still see evidence of digging and holes in garden. I'm becoming obsessed I hate them with passion. I have 3 dogs an worried sick for them they are sniffing all over garden in mornings so he is still out and about. Why would he stop eating poison.

  37. Hi we had a rat infestation since we moved in, the last bait I put down got eaten and then a smell came in one if the bedrooms, it lasted a few days but has gone now. I have noticed 6-7 flies near to where the smell was coming from, now I don't know Wat to do as we couldn't find the dead rat to remove it. Will the flies go away by themselves or is there something I can do. Please help. Thanks in advance.

    1. The flies are in one sense a good sign as they will have cleared away the dead rodent. They should not be around for more than a week or so.
      Kind Regards

  38. David we have rat in our home we put some bait, the rat ate and die, we don't know where. Now the house full of flies what should we do and how long it will last, it the flies danger to my children health
    Thanks so much Nancy

    1. Hello Nancy,
      Thank you for your questions.
      It is likely that the flies are blowflies that have emerged from maggots that have eaten the carcass of the dead rat/s. These will not last long and you can control them with normal fly control methods.
      Kind Regards

  39. Hi we've got mice in our loft we have laid poison down and it's been took, my husband has looked for dead mice under insulation but nothing except droppings so where are they going? or even where are they coming from?

    1. Hello,
      It is not possible to know where the mice have died. They usually feel lethargic and die in their nest, which is usually somewhere well out of the way such in the walls. It is not unusual not to find any dead rodents.
      Kind Regards

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hello!
    Thank you for this helpful blog! (1)Is there a secret method to convincing mice to take the bait?? We've had it in every room for a month, but it's never been touched. (We first confirmed mouse problem 4wks ago.) We had some luck with the snap traps early on–caught two in one night–but are concerned that they've figured out the trick. (2)Do they do that, and if so, how do you get around it? We know they're still in the house, but can't agree on how many, as the ones we've seen since the sad neck-snappings are babies. (My husband thinks it's just the nest of babies left; I'm positive there are roughly a million of the things. Eek.) (3) How likely is it that we killed the parents and just have to stamp out a sad little nest of crafty orphans? (4) And is it possible to actually eradicate these on our own? We live in a ground floor apartment, small town (they're getting in via big field, back door)–I'm afraid to call an exterminator as it may be grounds for eviction. Thank you!

    1. Hello,
      If the mice are not eating the bait remove it and try a different bait. Wear gloves when placing the bait in enclosed spaces around the house. It is important not to put human odours on the bait.
      Rats and mice will get trap shy if the traps are set off and they don't get caught.
      You may have killed the older mice but the younger mice will mature very quickly and are able to have babies of their own after a few weeks.
      Yes it is possible to eradicate them on your own. See this technical sheet.
      Kind Regards

  42. HI David,

    My daughter was up late and came across a rat laying on my shag carpet. She called my phone to come out of my room because she was scared of it. I was as well. It looked dead considering we do have poison out plus we recently patched up outside holes. As I walked past the "dead" rat he moved slightly. I throw a shoe at it, it crawled slowly under my couch. A min later it crawled back out to my shag carpet as if it was resting in my carpet. The rat knew we were there. He kept his eyes on us. Once I tried to put a box on top of him, he crawled a little faster to the kitchen cabnets and was gone. Is this rat dying or is was it in labor? I thought maybe my shag carpet was a make shift nest. Confused…

    1. Hello,
      It is hard to know what was affecting the rat. It could have eaten a rodenticide at another location or it could be dying from another more natural cause; disease, injury, old age etc.
      I doubt that the carpet was being mistaken for a nest.
      Kind Regards

  43. Hello David,

    I recently moved into a home that has what I suspect is a severe mouse infestation. I've looked for an entry point but I can't find one. My best guess is that while the home was under renovation a few came in and had a couple litters. There is no specific area they seem to be everywhere. I live in a rural area in a large home. Lots of places for them to hide. Occasionally I'll let my snake hunt them and he found a nest I cleared it out but still there's more mice! What would be the fastest and most efficient way to get rid of them? Any advice you give me would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hello Amanda,
      The judicious use of rodenticide baits along with snap traps will be the best way to get rid of the mice. However, I would caution keeping your snake/s away for the period the traps and bait are in place or ensure your snake/s cannot access them.
      Kind Regards

  44. We found rats around our bird feeders and going in and out of our basement. We caught and eliminated 4 with the havahart trap, but then called an exterminator. He put bait blocks along their trail in the basement and attic. Within 4 hours, ALL the basement baits were gone, but we subsequently caught one more and saw at least one more come out of the basement. Called the exterminator back and he put maybe 4 blocks down a hole outside near the bulkhead they were using, then used seetl wool and Pur Black foam to seal that hole and any holes around the bulkhead. He then placed 4 more blocks in the basement and at least 2 more in the attic. Approx 4 hours later, 2 blocks in the basement were gone and this morning, the other 2 are gone. Should we give it more time and hope they are all dead or have him come out and bait yet again?

    1. Hello Sue,
      Rodenticides will normally take several days to begin to take effect. It is concerning that the bait is being eaten or taken away so quickly. This suggests a large population or the rats are caching the baits. Baits should be fixed in place and there should always be enough bait in place so that it does not 'run out'. There is a risk with too few baits that rats are getting a sub-lethal dose. I would also have recommended not sealing up holes until the infestation had been eliminated. Rats will gnaw through the seals if it is a route that they are used to using.
      Kind Regards

  45. Hi my dog has killed a small rat today inside my house ,there s no marks except a small hole in rat body does it affect my doggy

    1. Hello,
      It is unlikely that your dog is at any risk from killing the rat even if the rat has recently taken some rodenticide bait.
      Kind Regards



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