Sunday, January 10, 2010

Do You Love Your Lawn?

There is something very satisfying about walking barefoot across a lush green lawn. On the other hand, a patchy, browned off, weed filled lawn can be something of an embarrassment and it certainly does not show off your house and garden to the best effect.

There are some simple steps to beautiful attractive lawn.
  1. Get rid of the mosses. Mosses, lichens and liverworts may not be growing much at this time of the year but they can be removed by treating with a moss killer such as Mossclear and then raking the dead moss out with a grass rake. Moss is an indication that that area of the lawn is not well drained and is perhaps shaded by over hanging trees. Fork the area to improve drainage and cat away shading trees or shrubs. Don’t cut your grass too short, give the grass a chance to shade out mosses and other low growing weeds.
  2. Get rid of broadleaf weeds. Dandelions, daisies, clovers, hydrocotyle, plantains and others can be selectively killed with lawn weedkiller such as NO Lawn Weeds Turfclean. Turfclean is specially formulated by Kiwicare to kill weeds without browning off the grass in the lawn as other lawn weedkillers can.
  3. Protect your lawn from damaging soil insects such as grass grub, cluster fly, porina and armyworm by using a slow release insecticide such as NO Insects Lawngard Prills. 
  4. Green up your lawn and encourage healthy grass growth by watering well with a liquid fertiliser. Kiwicare’s new Nourish Organic Fertiliser range is BioGro certified and will give excellent results quickly and without using harsh chemicals on the lawn that would stop the use of the lawn by pets or children.
  5. Don’t cut your lawn too short
Finally, get out and enjoy your lawn. Anyone for cricket?

1 comment:

  1. yes of course the grass is very beautiful.
    green, make a fresh eye



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